Thursday, June 18, 2015

Do you dream?

"If I can dream it, I can do it"- Do you follow this Walt Disney saying in your life? #Life

This is the Indispire prompt on indiblogger this week.

My answer is Yes, I follow it.

Dreams create our tomorrows. When I look back to my past, a little dreamy eyed girl looks at me and smiles. I am living in her dream world now. I am a product of her imagination.

I have become a published author and my book 'Without You' is listed among bestsellers on, besides some of the authors I love and adore. I am getting rave reviews.

I remember how I used to dream about being happy, absolutely and insanely happy. I am happy these days. When a dream comes true; happiness follows. It gives further wings to my imagination and I let them soar high and far.

Many more dreams, many more tomorrows await me to take me towards every destination and every scene that the little girl years ago visualized.

There will always be people who will laugh at my dreams. There will always be people who would make every effort to see that I never achieved my dream. But all that dreamers like me can do is to dream more colorful and daring dreams.

Don’t they teach us in school to aim at the stars, and then you will reach at least on top of a mountain? Let me do that. Won’t you join me?

Let us dream more. Not only for our own individual growth but for the entire humanity. 

Let us dream that our tomorrows will hold rainbows on every dark cloud. That every storm will soon pass and that even the harshest winter will end one day.

Let us dream that there will always be a guiding star that will pull us towards light.

Let us dream that one day, all our dreams will come true.

And let us follow our dreams and prove that dreams make our tomorrows.

And if you want to buy my book,

Buy it here: