Image courtesy: Facebook |
Facebook in itself is a
boon. No question about it. But friendships on Facebook do get a bit weird
Through Facebook I have
been able to get in touch with many people, whom otherwise I would have never
even heard about.
I get to hear from
people who were part of my thoughts and life for a very long time.
I get to know how life
is treating them and where life has taken them. All said, these friendships
take a weird turn sometimes. You wonder what to call these people. Are they
really friends???
I will tell you about some of my weird friends....
1) People
add you as friend and then ignore you completely. You begin to wonder why they
added you in the first place. Weird!!!
2) Your
classmate with whom you studied for years together, acts like a stranger on Facebook
and ignores your comments or does not ever reply to your messages or chat.
O.K, you may say you were busy at the
time, when I posted the comment or messaged you, but I get to know you have
seen the message or the comment.
I mean, how much time will it take to
reply to a message or click a like on the comment I posted?
I click ‘Like’ on all posts which I really
liked and comment when I feel like it.
It is common courtesy Friends…
3) Random
guys add you as friend and then pester you with messages and pings.
I hate this and try not to accept such
requests. I block these weird guys entirely. I prefer to remain offline in chat
these days because of you…
4) Your
so called friends does not acknowledge any of your posts on your timeline, but
when you meet or talk to them later, they confess how much they loved your posts
and are looking forward to see many in future.
Dear friends, if you really liked my
post, there is a Like button just below it, which if you click, I will get to
know you liked it. Simple!!
5) People
who become your friends just to get something done. I have seen many such fake
friends.There was this lady, who used to comment
on my every painting or portrait and then message me continuously to draw her
I didn’t know her in real life. She was a random stranger whom I had
met through my art page.The day I drew her portrait she pinged
me with Thank You messages and how much she liked it and so on.
Then one day, out of the blue, she
unfriended me. Before she did that, she deleted almost all of the comments
which she had posted on my wall or paintings, which made my replies to these comments
look as though I was talking to myself.
How much more weird can it get?
For people like me, who value
friendships, Facebook has given me back many long lost friends.
If only these weird friends stopped
being so weird.
Please unfriend me if you belong to any
of these categories. I am frustrated with the weird ones.
But if you are one of my friends, who
pep me up with a ping or encourage me with your comments, this post is a Thank
You message to you.
Remain my friend Forever…