Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Reading, my forever love

For me books always promised a safe haven.

A world where I could escape to, the moment I opened one.

When I was a little girl, whenever I visited a family friend or a relative, the moment I reached their house, I would look for books. Be it kids’ magazines, storybooks or even popular magazines. If I could find a handful of books, I didn’t care the amount of time we spend there. If the house seemed devoid of books, I looked down upon those people. Were they really human beings?

My love for books had given me the best library user award while in school. Wherever I live, the one building that I would surely enter was a library. Luckily, until now I have found good libraries wherever I went. Words are my bosom mates and reading my forever love.

A good library near and good books downloaded on my kindle...That takes me close to nirvana...

I have lost count of the number of books I have read, the number of lives I have lived through them. Lately I prefer happy reads and avoid thrillers and tragedies like plague. I wish to spare my poor nerves of the adrenalin rush and unnecessary tension.

I don’t think reading books has reduced dramatically in today’s youth. The library I visit is still crowded with youngsters. The many online pages of authors have young fans in majority. And who said being a nerd was bad and they became socially incapable?

I don’t agree. I am a bookworm and that has not transformed me into a socially incapable nerd.

Leaving you to ponder on a few quotes…


 This post is writtten for Indispire on Indiblogger.


  1. There is no existence for me without reading. Loved your thoughts, Preeti.

  2. Preethi, you are a cool book-lover! I'm one too & can totally identify with your post :)
    Cool quotes!

    1. Thanks for the cool verdict Anita..Glad to be in your gang..:)

    2. Ditto! I'm glad to be in your gang! Book-lovers flock together :)

  3. How right you are!
    There is one more that comes to my mind: Books are man's vest friends!

  4. I love books too and I read anything that I can lay my hands on :)

  5. Good quotes, have especially loved the Wilde quote, because I like to read my fav books over and over again! Reading is the best company one can find, that's how I feel sometimes. But lately I have cut down on my reading for no particular reason, perhaps just because I like my mind to be float in a bit of emptiness :)

    1. Beloo..I also loved the John green one..when I become obsessed with a book I will not rest until I share it with all my friends..

  6. I hate that feeling when I reach the end of a good book. Seems like I'm parting from a close friend. And then begins the hunt for yet another friend....err... book :)
    Nice read and beautiful quotes to go with it Preethi.

    1. Yes Indeed..I sometimes devour the same book over and over again.

  7. My childhood was also just like that! Even today when I go to my granny's place, I search for books in my mama's bookshelves... Books! I love them too!

    1. Hi 5 on that Sindhu.. I guess all bloggers share a love for books.

  8. True reading is a good habit. First thing I missed after I returned to India is absence of good library. In Canada, there were public libraries all over. It is the duty of society and government to inculcate habit of learning. i used to see parents bring their children who would play, read different books in the library. Librarian would encourage such behaviour. There used to be separate kids section in library.

    1. I agree..We do not have public libraries in many cities. In my village though there were many libraries set up by many clubs. So reading was always the main hobby for us kids.

  9. A good library is the only friend left in today's world.

  10. That's a nice collection of books..Happy reading :)

  11. Can't even think of a day without reading..nicely written Preethi..

  12. I'd like to start reading more from now on..Please suggest me few good books for intermediate level..Could you please have connected with on twitter? Or please share you twitter account so that I can follow you for the updates. Thank you once again!

  13. What is the genre you like Jupiter? I can suggest books then. The photo on the page shows the titles of a few books I have read. You can follow me on twitter @preethivenu.

  14. hmmm well I do admire those who get or make time to read , I use to read in the good old days, but these days life is so busy so much going on, just dont get time . i leave home at 6am and come back around 11pm..

    but i blog a lot and read some lovely articles :)

    Those are some very good quotes ...

