When I think about food, the first name that comes to
my mind is that of my grandmother. It was at her house that a hungry kid,
returning home from school calmed her raging hunger. She would be awaiting me
and seeing me at a distance would go into the kitchen and keep the food ready for
me. Her first order would be to wash my hands, legs and face and then I should eat
without talking. Food was to be respected and we should give thanks to God for
feeding us. That were her words.
I will remember forever the taste of her food, her dal,
her salted mangos and her vegetable curries. My mom also was a good cook, but
nothing compared to the taste of Grand mom’s cooking. The hunger that it
quenched made it tastier. After food, I would rush to join other kids to play
our favorite games or head to the library to find a new book to read.
I guess, there are millions of such kids who return
hungry from school eager to devour whatever they get hold of. In this age of
micro families, grandmothers are missing and so are the sumptuous meals on
return from school. Money spent at fast food joints, bakeries are increasing
day by day, and the healths of kids are deteriorating day by day.
Lunch is an important meal of the day and is supposed
to be the most nutritious one in the whole day. Kids who eat lunch properly are
healthy and concentrate more on their studies. Attention span of a hungry child
is very less and teachers find it hard to teach hungry kids.
Aksha Patra Foundation strives to eliminate classroom hunger
and Blogadda promises to feed a child for every blogpost that is written by
member bloggers. I request my friend bloggers to make use of this excellent opportunity
to help Akshay Patra feed a child for an entire year.
There is no greater good than feeding a hungry child.
This has been so wonderfully expressed :))) I have been looking for organisations which would help solve the hunger issues mainly in india… And I was successful in finding this organisation which collects excess food and gives it to the needy. See if you can give it a push on the blog.