The prompt for this week’s Indispire is this:
Pick up the book you are reading and from the 12th page, choose a word and use it as a prompt to write your next post. Try to relate it in some way to the twelve months of the New Year. Don't forget to tell the name of the book to your readers. #TwelveMonths
The book I am currently reading is The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. The book seeks to teach the right principles, the right language to understanding each other in a relationship. Gary Chapman says there are five specific languages of love: Quality time, Words of affirmation, Acts of service and physical touch.
Sharing these quote from the book.
“Forgiveness is not a feeling; it is a commitment. It is a choice to show mercy, not to hold the offense up against the offender. Forgiveness is an expression of love.”
“We are trained to analyze problems and create solutions. We forget that marriage is a relationship, not a project to be completed or a problem to solve.”
In a relationship, couples usually forgive each other’s mistakes frequently. But what happens when the threshold of tolerance is reached? The following story, which I am writing for #FridayFotoFiction tells what happens then. The word I had selected from page 12 is marriage. This story talks about domestic abuse.
Her mother-in-law had accidently given her the keys to her freedom when she had told details about her son’s food habits. A key, which she had been seeking desperately since the first day she had woken with swollen eyes and welts all over her body.
That day, she ordered his favorite chicken biriyani. While he pounced on the food, she stealthily threw away the bottle of unrefined peanut oil she had added into it out of the window.
Later, she wailed loudly when the doctor at the hospital pronounced him dead due to anaphylaxis, an extreme case of peanut allergy.
Word Count:100
I am combining two prompts for this post.
Wicked! I liked what she did, just what he deserved.
ReplyDeleteExactly my thoughts :)
DeleteAwesome one, just mind blowing.
ReplyDeleteThank you :)
DeleteLiked the story. No women should tolerate being a victim .Ever.
ReplyDeleteThat's one story of vengeance....!
ReplyDeleteohhh... smart girl... I like it, these people deserve to rot in hell. Thanks for linking up with #FridayFotoFiction