Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Three Skills I Value Most

This Thursday the #ThankfulThursday prompt is to talk about the three skills that you value most.

Skills are valued everywhere. Hence it is important to hone and honor our skills.

Skills can be functional, personal or knowledge based. They might define us.
 They might be the fuel behind our earthly life or they might be the Zen that keeps us grounded.
The three skills that I have developed over the years are:

 Portraiture and Painting

Art came to me very early on in life. But I have maintained a hate-love relation with it over the various periods in my life. 

Either I was completely in love with it or I hated it. Then it came back in 2011 with a bang. I couldn’t stop painting. 

Most of my art are not for public consumption. I rarely do commission art even though I get many requests. But I have a hard time accepting such work. I can only draw when it is born out of passion. 

I am extremely grateful that I am an artist. It is my way of relaxing.

Here are some samples of my work.

You can also see my works HERE on my blog. You can follow my art page on Facebook or my Instagram art page.


I fell in love with writing quite late in life.

 I was a reader most of my life. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that one day I would have the author tag associated with me.

 But now, writing is my biggest passion. It is one skill that I spend the time to honor and hone daily. 

I invest time and money to hone my skills in this field. This is one gift that I am thankful for having.

You can find links to purchase my books right here on my blog. You can follow my Amazon Author page and Goodreads Author page for latest writing updates.


Editing is yet another skill I cherish and am thankful for. It helps me to edit my blog posts, my stories, and manuscripts. 

I take care to update myself about the various editing methods. Patience is a necessity when it comes to editing.

 I can go over the same page over and over again till it becomes error free. It earns me money as I work as a freelance editor.

 My only frustration is that it is very difficult to edit one’s own writing. 

Very difficult to kill one’s own darlings. But yes, I am working on it. I have two books published where I am proud to be one of the editors.

What are the three skills that you value most? Do tell me in the comments.

This post is written for #ThankfulThursdays hosted by Tina, Amrita, Mayuri and Deepa


  1. Excellent skills set .I adore your paintings .They are alive.Keep doing all you love .It's making you famous !Thank you for writing with us for #Thankful Thursday

    1. Thank you Amrita! :) I love #ThankfulThursdays which gives me a chance to acknowledge gratitude in the many areas of my life.

  2. Patience is very important in editing, I agree. When I have to finally edit my blog before publishing I feel so irritated.

    1. True. Patience is very much required for editing. Thank you for reading Geethica. :)
