Sunday, March 2, 2014

Just one more time...

Images of the massive twister ripping through Washington tore at my heart because  Gautam’s phone was still unreachable.

All the special moments we shared was playing continuously in my mind, making me yearn to hear his voice one more time, to breathe in his warmth just one last time.

How I wish I had not fought with him the last time he had called, how much I wish the person who made my days brighter with his laughter and loving presence, was safe.

“Sweetheart…You are acting like your best friend just died,” cried a voice behind me and instantly tears of relief started pouring out from my eyes.

Later while we happily snuggled closer to each other on the couch, watching another one of those thriller movies he loved to watch, I thanked providence for urging him to take that earlier flight out of Washington to surprise his furious wife.

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This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

This time we’re aiming at making it more creative! Your post must contain the word Friend and you have just 5 sentences to complete your story.

Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers


  1. its better to appologise wen v stil hav tym than to live wid a lifetym of regeret! good one preeti :-)

    1. Rightly said.... Thanks for visiting Swathi Shenoy...

  2. Nice story, Preethi! Happy ending. But, sometimes it's too late to make amends. May we all live every moment happily.

    1. I donno..May be because I am a newbie ,I cannot make my characters suffer... I am a sucker for happy endings...
      Thank you Anita for the encouragement..

  3. Great story! And very nicely told.

  4. Oh! Just 5 sentences! But, still it has all the qualities of a detailed story... Good one Preethi :)

    The Arts & Me

  5. I am a firm believer of second chances and of not fighting!

  6. Aww happy ending! I normally do not write stories that have happy endings (cos I feel they are too obvious and unreal - will do a whole post exploring this sentence shortly!) but this one was well structured! :)

  7. Good one Preethi, it's incidents like the storm in the story that reminds us how precious the people in our lives are. Nicely narrated in 5 sentences :)
