Tuesday, June 3, 2014

10 perks of being a Mother

When five years ago, on a cool November day, a little bundle was placed next to me, it marked the end of a long wait. The longest ever till then for a single goal. The goal was to become a mother, the most sacred being in the whole universe.

Though tired after the long struggle of birthing, I was happy to become the member of the elite club of mothers. From that moment on, I began to discover the special privileges entitled to a member of the exclusive and royal the club that I had joined.

All the members were entitled to receive:

1. Unconditional Love:  All living beings crave for love. When one is at the receiving end of this special kind of love that is unconditional, it is the best reward of being a mother. Just being a mother, entitles you to receive a lifetime of love from the little person who starts to call you mother. Becoming a mother makes you realize that you are capable of giving unconditional love as well. No matter how much pain you under went to give birth, no matter you have lost count of the number of sleepless nights you have spend, you suddenly find yourself loving the miniature of you with all your heart. No complains or regrets at all.

2. Respect:  When you have a little person with you, you start to garner more respect. You are doing the toughest job on earth according to Oprah Winfrey. You earn respect the royal way. People get up to give you seat on public transport and when travelling with family you get the best facilities possible. All are eager to help you do your job. An unparallel sympathy hangs in the year. They all understand the sleepless nights and tiring days that you put in to raise your little one.

3.  Happiness: Starting from the first cry that you hear, every syllable that falls from your little one’s mouth fills your heart with joy. The meaningless babbles that makes you smile, the cuddles, even an unexpected pee or a poo become a source of joy. Watching him/her take the first baby steps fills your heart with joy and pride. When you watch them perform their first song on stage, you realize that there are tears of joy in your eyes. At every stage of their growth, you find a person whom you can take pride to name as your own. 

4. Friendships:  After becoming a mother, friendships become stronger. There will be most commonly that one friend that you become closer to, who is able to advice you at times of need. This friend is one who has gone through the slippery dance of parenting, where one slip can cost more than you ever thought was possible. That clever tip to wean your child, the tip to make him eat more and the recipe of that tasty dish your little one loves all have a common origin in her. She advises you about the perils that await you at each stage and you are well prepared to combat the little monster tantrums that you might find yourself trapped into suddenly. You find a venting point for your anger, your frustration and at times to bitch about your husband’s lack of brain when it comes to parenting.

5.  Humor:  There is no dearth for humor in your life. Most importantly, you learn to laugh at yourself and take life less seriously. The visits to the beauty parlor are almost ‘never’, the pediatrician is mostly on the speed dial of your phone.  You call yourself ‘the tigress who has earned her stripes’ showing the stretch marks on your tummy. When your husband tries to win an argument or tries to take credit for the intelligence or smartness of your kid, a small phrase “But I gave birth” ensures that the bragging ends right there.

6.  Follower:  No matter how many followers you have on twitter or on facebook, this one follower is enough to put them all to shame. When your kid follows you everywhere, you feel like a celebrity. When you do that impossible thing (mostly opening a jam bottle) with ease, you have earned a follower for life. They acknowledge to your husband “mommy knows it the best”.
When you tell them that a two added to two makes four, they believe it without questioning. They will surely argue with their teacher when she says that two multiplied by two makes four. What a silly teacher! Mommy is brilliant. Mommy has an IQ equal to Einstein. How dare anyone question that?!

7. Excuses: Once you become a mother, you do not need to rack your brains too much to find an excuse to escape out of a tricky situation. The presence of the little angel in your life is a lifesaver many a times. No one dares to suspect your justification. You have the perfect excuse to order a carton of ice cream or fried chicken because your little one LOVES it (?). Does anyone question that? Not even your husband..;)

8.  A free exercise regimen and health:  Starting with push-ups, jogs,jigs, fast-medium-slow running, various yoga postures and breathing techniques, you begin to master many exercises hitherto unknown to you, does wonders to your heart, lung and god alone knows where else. Your response- timing, hearing capability and sense of touch are at their best.  You owe it to your little baby.

9.  Hugs, Plenty of them:  “Mom, I want you to hug me so that I feel better” is a dialogue that is often heard in my house. A hug, it is the most calming thing in the world. It feels like magic. Not only the baby, but also you yourself benefit from this caring gesture. Scientists say that hugs are a form of communication. They say things which you find difficult to express through words.

10.Time Travel: Ah..I know you are puzzled. It is true. Becoming a mother makes you go on time travels. You can go to that moment you had first held your precious bundle, or to the time, he/she started to ride the bicycle, frequently alone and sometimes accompanied by other loved ones of your family. Memories start to become colorful. 

P.S:  To any new member of the club, Welcome... You need to read this more than once.:)

P.P.S:  Older members, Do share your favorite perk.
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  1. Aww....what an endearing post Preethi?! I can relate to almost all these perks. But as an older member of the club I feel the greatest perk I have is that I made a best friend for life who doubles up as my son :)

    1. Yes of course, our kids become our best friends...

  2. This is so very sweet! I agree with each of your points. Humor -- yes I see so much of it and time travel and hugs too.

    1. Thank you Rachna.. I guess our kids make our lives colourful and blissful.

  3. Super sweet post :)

  4. aaaahhh feeling ...and Iam obliged to GOD and my son that they gave me all this.

    1. Yes Sai... I too am thankful to god for achu , to my achu for inspiring this post and the happiness he gives me..

  5. Awesome! can perfectly relate! i have example for each kind, a big brother and a cute sister! Everything doubles :)

    1. Aww..Lucky you Shanmuga priya raj kumar. That is sweet.

  6. Wonderful, Preethi! I love all the perks :)

  7. It is a very sweet, love-filled post, Preethi! I am not a mother but I enjoy some of these perks as a Masi (maternal aunt) :)

    1. Kids spread love. Glad you enjoy the perks as masi.

  8. Didn't know that motherhood brings so many rewards :) Nice post Preethi :)

    The Arts & Me

  9. Awesome Post! I totally agree with you.

  10. sadly i belong to a specie's which will not be able to avail of this huge beautiful perk of being the opposite specie..

    But I do enjoy a few as a Chacha-Mama-Taya.. :)


    1. That is sweet Bikram. This is just one side of the coin. I believe my husband has an equally long list for perks of being a father.

  11. Such a sweet post Preethi... 10 on 10 ... :-)

  12. Too sweet and follower thing was icing on the cake. Waiting for my own follower :)

    Yet to join this privileged club.

    1. Witing for you to join the club soon Saru Singhal. It is a privileged club indeed.:)

  13. Time travel is the one I didn't realize! But I don't like being in school again!! :D

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