Saturday, January 31, 2015

Much ado about a Pimple

According to author Louise L hay, who gave the world books like ‘You can heal your Life’ and ‘Heal your body,’ the skin represents our individuality. Skin problems arise when we are feeling insecure, when we feel that others have a power over us.

Acne, the biggest beauty problem that many people face begin usually in teenage- the time when we begin to see the eyes with different eyes, when the hormones are acting in weird manners giving us fears and feelings that we have never felt. It comes at a time when the restrictions that the society imposes on us are appearing one by one in an unexpected manner. No wonder, we start feeling insecure and completely bewildered by the new world opening up to us. The result often appears in the form of Acne. According to Louise, the way out is to accept and love the self. Her advice is to affirm firmly “I am a divine expression of life. I love and accept myself where I am right now.”  


I was a carefree teenager. I never bothered about anything except books and good food. I did not have any pimples then and I haven’t suffered from pimple problem till now. I am blessed with a clear skin, though my skin shade is on the darker side. I was not ashamed of my skin tone and did not try using creams to improve my complexion. I feel pimples also result from the improper use of creams and make up.

According to beauty experts, before applying any cream we have to check whether it suits our skin type. In addition, before going to bed, we have to remove all the traces of makeup and should go to bed with a clean skin with just a night cream to sooth the skin. A good cleanser comes handy then.
Application of various medicines to reduce the pimples is another bad thing we can do to ourselves. Most of these medicines have side effects and in the event of pregnancy, some medicines even affect the fetus. One of my cousins was advised by her gynecologist to stop using the medicine for pimple while she was trying to get pregnant.

According to Ayurveda, our own life science, Neem leaves combine antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, astringent, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to create a holistic remedy against acne and pimples. Because of these properties, Neem is an ingredient in many beauty products. I remember when I was asked to use a paste of Neem leaves and turmeric when I was taking my first regular bath after being affected with chicken pox. Neem leaves are used to treat many skin diseases too. And Acne is one among them.

I have used Garnier Pure Active neem face wash and found it be having a refreshing cleansing affect and it doesn’t leave the skin dry and stretchy.
‘Cleanse-Tone-Moisturize’ is my beauty regime and I use a cleanser, which suits my skin type. If we take care to be at peace with our skin, most of the skin problems disappear soon. Drinking plenty of water and eating fresh fruits is another sure step towards cleaner skin.

Let us not allow an Acne to bring us insecurity, depression or socio-phobia. Beauty is never skin-deep. Most of the people are caught up in their own problems and doesn’t have time to bother about your pimple. Just go out and face the world with a smile. A smile straightens many curves.

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