Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Summer, dear invincible summer

Dear Summer,

You know what endears you to me? I can list a hundred reasons.
It is your power to reduce to nothingness even a mighty river, your ferocious nature that nobody wants to fight against. Even mother earth bows humbly when you talk about the necessity of a change and burns nonchalantly in your furnace seeking purity. But you accept your own fate so humbly and welcome the rains with pertichor, a fragrance that melts even a heart of stone.

You arrive, apologizing for the destruction and despair that begin to spread. You leave filling us with warm memories. Something in you makes we humans want to look into our selves. We take off on rejuvenating vacations, calm our souls in the lap of majestic oceans or seek the cool shades of mango graves.


The sweetest fruits you gift us, and the longest days to cherish. Every child welcomes summer for it brings in the much awaited summer break.

And for the romantic, every summer changes them a bit. Every summer begins a new story, kindles a new spark.

For the lovers, your message is to enjoy every second, the days are longer, and the nights full of promises.  The sound universe blossoms with a hundred bird-songs, the calm lullabies of the ocean and the caress of the evening breeze laden with fragrance of the queen of the night and jasmines.

You remind me that even in the coldest winter nights, I can await you. Even in the depths of despair that clouds my life like winter, you kindle a fire within me reminding me that you reside in me, the invincible summer. The ice of despair thaws with that reassurance and the cool water that emerges soothes my soul.
Remain this time dear summer, to renew and rejuvenate. Remind me that the cruelest winters are powerless when I am your muse.


  1. Ah summer, you can love it or hate it, but cannot ignore it :)

  2. I hate summers! But you have made it sound so beautiful:)

  3. i like the style of your sweet posts - good advice and inspirational with a hint of your voice - great! happy a to z-ing
