Monday, May 5, 2014

Memories of a Happy Month

When I decided to sign up for the April A-Z challenge, I had thought that it would be an easy challenge. After all, I only had post everyday for a month and in addition, the prompt to write was just an alphabet. Didn’t I become an expert in them, way back in Kindergarten itself?

How wrong I was?!!!

I decide to theme it as ‘learning everyday’ by posting about things I wanted my tell my readers every day. I hadn’t decided on anything particular even when the first day of April dawned. I called upon all the gods and Angels to help me begin and aha, I had my A post. A is for Angels.

Thus began my challenge and every day I will pick the dictionary to prod my idle mind to stop procrastinating and vomit something onto my blog. My five year old would question me every day whether I wrote my post of the day and that made me quite an obedient blogger. He would give wise suggestions for the entire alphabet. He wanted me to write about B is for boy and C is for Carrot!

I wrote and wrote every day. I was amazed that I could churn out random posts. I met some amazing new bloggers, read many interesting posts, made new friends and found new followers all through the first week. Then tragedy struck. My home internet connection went down and for a whole week, I had to rely on the slow internet connection on my phone. I survived again.

In the last seven posts, I wanted to give my readers a bit more interesting stuff and started to write short stories. I ended with a short story ‘Wings of Love’ about a nutty angel who falls in love with an earthling which had began as a post for letter W, but had to be split into four parts owing to its length. 

So literally, I began and ended the challenge with Angels…

Thank you God and Angels..

Thanks to all the master-brains behind the A-Z challenge.

Congratulations to all the hosts and co-hosts. You did an amazing job.

P.S: I can’t wait to do this again.  

Top post on, the community of Indian Bloggers


  1. Congratulations Preeti! You did wonderfully well.Loved your Angel story...glad we connected during the challenge.Will keep popping up on your blog on and off :)

    1. Thank you Vinodini Iyer. Glad to meet you and read your wonderful blog.

  2. Congratulations. I can't imagine doing it myself. Great going!

    1. Thank you Saru.. Join next time..It is fun. Trust me.

  3. Congrats, Preethi for pulling this off in style ! I had read some of your posts, but couldnt comment then.... I'm visiting them all, one by one :) And yes, we can't wait to do this again !

  4. It must have been an amazing experience! I enjoyed the angel story.

  5. Congrats Preethi!
    You did really well. My Internet Connection (that ditches me when I need it most!) was one of the reasons I didn't sign up for the challenge :)

  6. Congratulations Preethi! You did very well despite all those net challenges. And glad that your 5-year-old kept you pushing to do your "blog-work". The Wings of Love story was the crowning peak of your 26 posts :)

  7. Congrats Preethi.. we all enjoyed your lovely posts and portraits . Keep going... :-)

  8. Congrats Preethi for completing the challenge and yes, I agree to all that you wrote. I'm already planning for the next challenge and this time we shall be more prepared :)

  9. Congrats :) Ha haa :D I would have written about the same that your son had suggested you! :D

  10. Congratulations for completing Preethi! Awesome! Ha ha - your five year old sounds cute ..:-) Will read your posts that I didn't read yet:-)

  11. Congratulations on completing the challenge.

    Have you picked your theme for next year yet? ;-)
