Sunday, May 18, 2014


A Scene from the disney movie cinderella..

Watched the Cinderella Movie from Disney with my toddler today for the Nth time. I just don't tire watching it. Its charm is never ending for me.
I remember being enchanted by the story as a small kid when I first read it.

It was a very pretty story book from disney and I absolutely loved it. I kept it safe for a very long time. May be I expected my prince to jump out from it when the time was ripe. :)

When I saw the Cinderella Movie for the first time, I was in my teens . I was even more captivated by it this time. I was watching the images that I cherished come alive. It was magical. May be..I hoped ,My prince charming would come to me and sweep me off my feet. I waited and waited and he just never came. He showed me glimpses every now and then and just rode away.

Later on in my college a friend called me Cinderella... I didn't understand why and then he asked me to refer the dictionary. He had called me that after I surprised everyone by playing the guitar of a friend. I  took out the dictionary and referred the word Cinderella.

And this is what I found:

Definition of Cinderella in English


Syllabification: (Cin·der·el·la)
Pronunciation: /ˌsindəˈrelə/

Translate Cinderella | into French | into Italian

  • a girl in various traditional European fairy tales. In the version by Charles Perrault she is exploited as a servant by her family but enabled by a fairy godmother to attend a royal ball. She meets and captivates Prince Charming but has to flee at midnight, leaving the prince to identify her by the glass slipper that she leaves behind.
  •  [as noun] a person or thing of unrecognized or disregarded merit or beauty.
  •  [as noun] a neglected aspect of something:is research into breast cancer to remain the Cinderella of medicine?
  •  Philately any stamplike label that is not valid as postage.


from cinder + the diminutive suffix -ella, on the pattern of French Cendrillon, from cendre 'cinders'

So boy...Wasn't I happy???

I was...Happy to the core.
But alas my Prince still was missing from my life.

Then I too got married to a tall,dark and handsome man and yes he was my Prince charming.I became mother to a loving and cute son too. 
So when I watched the same movie today again , I find myself feeling happy and blessed.

Thank You my fairy Godmother wherever you are...

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  1. That's a sweet story from your memory for us! Best wishes for you.... :)

    The Arts & Me

  2. Hehe it's such a cute fairy tale stir tn remember reading as a kid..tongue out:)

  3. Ah! Never thought of if that way. Very thoughtful post :)

  4. Back here after a long gap. Happy to read a sweet and cute tale! Keep writing!

    Someone is Special

  5. It's such a nice story wrapped in sweet thoughts.... :-)

  6. Now, although we all know the Cinderella story, this meaning for the term was news to me... It must have a been great compliment paid to you! enjoyed reading.

  7. Love Cinderella. May we all discover all the Cinderellas amongst us.

  8. A sweet post, Preethi :) Well done!

  9. loved it, indeed a very sweet and straight from the heart post :)
