Monday, December 2, 2013

Two versatile blogger Awards!!!

I got two Versatile Blogger Awards from my fellow bloggers Sindhu Devi K from
The Arts and Me. Thank You Sindhu Devi for the lovely Award.

And Another from Bhumi Jayalakshmi from

Thank You Bhumi for the Award

Rules of the Versatile Blogger Award:

1. Link back to the person who gave you the award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass the award to ten bloggers who you think deserve it. 
4. Contact the people you've nominated.

Seven Things about Myself:

  1. I vent by writing or through art.
  2. I am a confirmed night owl.
  3. I love travelling to new places.
  4. I am an avid reader with no particular genre of interest. I read anything and everything.
  5. I am easily satisfied by the very best.
  6. I believe in the magic of Love.
  7. I dearly love a laugh.

Now the  people I am nominating for the award.
    4) Jahid Akhtar
    5)Deepali Jain
    6)Amar Naik
    7) Anita
    8) Indrani Ghosh
9) Mridula
    10) Tennyson

Check out these amazing blogs....

Thank You Folks...



  1. Congratulations for the award, Preethi and here's to many more! :)

  2. Congrats for winning versatile award Preethi. Thanks U so much for nominating my blog for the award. It's a pleasure and an honor for me !!

  3. Congrats for the award!
    So kind of you to pass it on to me. If I do any post on awards I will link your blog.
    Thanks so much.

  4. Congratulations!!! even i love a laugh too!

    1. Thank You Debajyoti... I got to know you have a very good humour sense from your blog...Keep dropping by...

  5. Congratulations!! Nice to know more about you :)
