Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Art with the painter's knife:

Painters's knife

Beautiful art can be created using a  painter's knife.
The type of painting done is called knife painting.

If you want to learn how to use a knife to create a painting, Click HERE.

I do experiment a lot and created this.

Two to Tango (18x12 Inches, Oil on Canvas Board)

It is beautifully textured and is easier to make. Only problem is it takes too much time to dry if you are using oil paints. The one I did is in  oils and  it was done in February. It still is not completely dry yet,though now it  doesn't come onto my hands.

You can opt for acrylics to paint in this way as well.

If you liked this,check out my other works on my facebook art page.

Lovely connecting with you.